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Ribbons with logo


Art of Wrapping - gift bows & decorative ribbons

Packaging with added value - our shop for commercial users

First impressions count - this is especially true for the packaging of your products.
Bows are not only the ultimate gift symbol, but also an effective sales booster.

Products with bows generate more attention at the POS, more sales, higher selling prices and attract additional groups of buyers.

Bows and ribbons have the "stopping power" to set products on the shelf apart from others. They indicate more value compared to other products and thus influence buying behavior.

People are much more likely to gift an everyday product, or even an unconventional product, if it has a bow.
A product with a bow is found appealing by the vast majority.
Bows increase people’s willingness to pay more. People are happy to pay a price premium for a product with a ribbon bow.

(Source: Scientific study by the Harz University of Applied Sciences (University of Business Psychology) under the direction of Prof. Georg Felser with the support of the Multisense Institute Germany)

Our diverse range of ribbons and bows, which can also be personalized with the help of our special printing process, matches the right (colour-) tone and style in every situation.